Frozen Prawns: Grilled Frozen Prawns

Frozen prawns are an excellent choice for grilling since they’re easy to cook from frozen. They also thaw quickly, making them an ideal choice for busy weeknights.

Look for large jumbo-sized shrimp (16-20 per pound) with the tail and shell on for the best results. You can also use a combination of peeled and unpeeled shrimp for different recipes.

Cooking Tips

frozen prawnsGrilling is a favourite summer activity in many American households. But rather than the standard hamburgers, hot dogs and ribs, try this seafood recipe to add variety to your meals. Click here to order the best quality grilled frozen prawns.

Price recommends using jumbo shrimp, which hold up well to the grill without falling apart and have plenty of flavor. You can also play around with the seasonings to suit your tastes. Try a Cajun spice blend, taco seasoning or a sprinkle of rosemary, basil and garlic.

Before putting the shrimp on the grill, lightly brush the grill grate with cooking oil to prevent sticking. It’s a good idea to cook the shrimp until the flesh is firm and opaque, and for even more flavour, spritz with fresh lemon juice before serving.

Always handle raw food carefully and avoid leaving it at room temperature for more than 2 hours to prevent bacteria from growing. It is especially important with grilled meats like shrimp. The best way to avoid bacterial growth is to tightly pack the frozen shrimp in an airtight container or heavy-duty aluminium foil.


Frozen prawns are a quick and convenient way to prepare an everyday meal and offer excellent value for money. However, knowing the correct defrosting methods is essential to ensure you get the best results.

Placing frozen prawns in the refrigerator is the safest and most effective method for defrosting frozen prawns. It is a slow process, but it preserves the quality of the prawns and minimizes the risk of bacteria growing in the thawed food.

A second option for defrosting prawns is to soak them in cold water. It can be done as soon as you plan to eat them and save time if you are in a hurry. However, it is essential to ensure the water is cold and not warm, as hot or even lukewarm water may start to cook the prawns and cause uneven and unsatisfactory results.


When grilling shrimp, preparing the food before grilling correctly is essential. Shrimp should be thawed completely before cooking. If they are not, bacteria could proliferate. Also, marinating the frozen shrimp is a good idea to enhance their flavour and prevent them from sticking to the grill grate. Another consideration is whether or not to remove the tails from the shrimp. Eating them without the seats is more accessible, but it is up to the individual eater to decide what they prefer. Lastly, cooking the shrimp until they are opaque and reach an internal temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit is a good idea.


It is a super quick, easy, delicious shrimp recipe you can make in 30 minutes. It is perfect for a weeknight dinner. You can use this recipe for both jumbo and regular-sized shrimp, although if you use large shrimp, it is essential to put them on skewers so they don’t fall through the grill grates. You can add various herbs to the marinade, such as rosemary, basil, thyme, oregano, cilantro and chives. Add smoked paprika and cayenne pepper to the marinade for an extra punch of flavour! Click here to order the best quality grilled frozen prawns.

You can serve these grilled shrimp skewers as a main dish or side with rice, crusty bread, or a salad. They are a great alternative to hamburgers, hotdogs and ribs during the summer! This recipe works well with both an outdoor gas grill and an indoor dual-contact electric grill. If you are using an indoor electric grill, be sure to set the temperature to medium heat.

Frozen prawns cook quickly, giving you a quick main dish or appetizer to serve guests. Add fresh herbs like cilantro and parsley for added flavour.

To prepare this recipe, first thaw the shrimp in cold water. While the skewers soak, make the luscious lemon parsley butter. If you are planning to host a dinner for your family, frozen prawns are the best ingredient for your special menu.