Remedial massage Adelaide: Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage Adelaide is a deep-tissue therapy that locates and relieves strain on the muscles, tendons and ligaments to support and speed up the body’s natural healing process. It also helps to alleviate stress and tension and improve sleep and posture.

remedial massage clinic AdelaideRemedial Massage is an accepted treatment with most private health insurance extras cover. Unlike general relaxation massage, it targets specific problem areas and is assessed and treated accordingly. For more remedial massage clinic Adelaide, click here.

What Is Remedial Massage?

Remedial Massage is a manual therapy that targets damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments. It involves various specialised techniques to locate and repair the damage, alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and aid the body’s natural healing processes.

Our remedial Massage Adelaide practitioners are trained to identify and treat trigger points (hypersensitive areas of the muscles that manifest as a small contraction knot). They use deep sustained pressure on these muscle groups to release them, which improves blood flow, reduces inflammation and relieves tension.

It also aims to balance the length and tone of muscles and tendons, which reduces pain, stabilises joints and increases mobility. Some conditions commonly treated include sports and work injuries, back and neck pain, muscle cramps, shoulder and hip problems, sciatica and arthritic symptoms.

Unlike deep tissue massage, remedial Massage is more targeted and is recognised by most private health extras cover. Our highly qualified massage therapists have years of experience treating various issues. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible care and support so you can live your life pain-free. To do this, we will provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. Getting regular remedial massages will not only help you feel better, but it will also improve your quality of life and enhance your well-being.

How Is Remedial Massage Helpful?

Remedial Massage helps alleviate various conditions, including sporting injuries, muscular cramps, arthritis and whiplash. By manipulating the muscles, tendons and ligaments, remedial Massage can relieve pressure on nerves, improve circulation, break down scar tissue and help the body to heal itself more effectively.

Studies have shown that Massage reduces stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline and increases the feel-good neurochemical serotonin, which can help with depression and anxiety. The relaxation effect of Massage can also improve sleep quality by triggering the release of melatonin, which helps to put you into a deeper and more restful state before bedtime.

When combined with physiotherapy, remedial Massage can be incredibly effective. Remedial massage therapists understand how your muscles, tendons and ligaments work together. They can use specific techniques to treat the root cause of your symptoms rather than just masking them with superficial Massage.

Remedial Massage is also beneficial for joints, as it can improve the range of motion by releasing tension around tight and restricted joints. It is especially useful for sufferers of frozen shoulder.

Remedial Massage can be part of a general well-being wellness plan and is suitable during pregnancy (as long as your doctor approves it). Regular remedial Massage has been linked to better mental health by reducing stress, improving sleep and mood, boosting energy levels and improving concentration.

What Are the Benefits of Remedial Massage?

Remedial Massage is a deep-tissue massage that treats specific muscles, joints, and connective tissues. This Massage relieves pain and improves mobility, flexibility, and strength. It can also help reduce stress and tension. In addition, remedial Massage can enhance circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Remedial Massage can reduce muscle spasms and improve mobility in people with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s. It can also enhance the quality of life for patients with connective tissue fibrosis/sclerosis and arthritis. In addition, a remedial massage can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve sleep patterns.

A remedial massage therapist can use various techniques to address the client’s needs, including myofascial release, dry needling, and trigger point therapy. They can also use joint mobilisation techniques to improve mobility and flexibility. During the Massage, the therapist will continually monitor the level of pressure and will adjust it accordingly.

Remedial Massage can benefit people of all ages and genders. A remedial massage is the perfect solution whether you are an athlete looking to enhance your performance or want to relax. Book a session today to experience the many benefits of this powerful healing technique.